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A basic wipe down with a soft microfiber window mop, and liquid soap and water.
We use rubber squeegees to clean the glass of the window.
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This kind of cleaning uses pure (0tds) water to clean the windows at height and leave them with a spot free finish.
This kind of cleaning is performed when the client wants a regular scheduled cleaning to take place on a regular basis. This kind of window cleaning will not remove: Adhesive, Drywall debris, Concrete, Or any other stuck on construction debris of any kind. This kind of cleaning is our budget clean that will remove dust and dirt but nothing more severe.
This kind of cleaning is recommended for construction cleans and "first time in a long time" cleaning.
We will use a more abrasive window cleaning cloth to apply soap and scrub the glass.
A completed scratch waiver is needed to perform this step.
A completed scratch waiver is needed to complete this step.
This step is the final cleaning step for the glass
A scratch waiver is needed to perform this step.
For many buildings that have windows above 30' these
Buildings that are 5 stories or more often will need to be cleaned via rope access. This is a lengthy process that requires the right fixtures to be preinstalled on the roof before work is started.
If the building is over 30' a lift may be used to clean the windows at eye level for the window cleaner.
Ladders are always a last resort for our company. But when ladders are used, they are NEVER put directly on the glass. If the ladder must go on siding facia or drywall, rubber end caps are used to protect the walls.